Sunday 1 October 2017

The Doctor's Affect / Effects

Don't normally touch on merchandising on this blog, not since the DVDs ran out, but recently it was announced that a pair of books by Steve Cambden are once again available to buy on-line.
Find them here:

I've had copies for a number of years, and can certainly recommend them. The first title - The Doctor's Affect - is an autobiographical piece. It tells how Steve, fresh out of school and keen to get involved in the special effects business, ended up working on Doctor Who through the turbulent late Graham Williams era and into the start of the JNT period, thanks to landing a role as assistant to K9's operator. Fans of the metal mutt - celebrating his 40th anniversary this weekend - will love this, but it also covers a lot of the backstage goings-on during this time. The section dealing with location work for Shada is particularly interesting.
The second volume - The Doctor's Effects - is a chronological series of interviews with dozens of the people who created the SFX for the series, from Barry Newbery to Steve Mansfield and Sue Moore. There's a lengthy introduction from the late Ian Scoones. If you have even a passing interest in how the SFX were achieved, this is a must have. I've read my copy several times, so really ought to get a nice new one. Both books are illustrated with Steve's own photos (the first book) and contributions from the interviewees for the second one.
I don't buy Who fiction - there's just too much of it and most I have looked at I don't like - but I do like a good book that deals with the making of the programme. These fit the bill.

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