Wednesday 15 June 2022

On This Day... 15th June

It's one of those very rare days when no new episode of Doctor Who has ever debuted. Haven't had one of these since the Christmas period.
What viewers could have seen on the 15th June 2006 was the latest instalment of Totally Doctor Who - the junior version of DW: Confidential. This one had Ronny Jhutti as guest and looked at the making of The Satan Pit.
A year to the day later the Totally team were looking at the making of Blink, as well as showing the latest episode of the animated adventure The Infinite Quest. Paul Kasey was guest, talking about how they bring the monsters to life.
We have been told that a new version of Confidential is on its way, to coincide with the return of RTD. Titled DW: Unleashed, it will be shown on BBC 3, which recently returned to TV platforms after a couple of years as an on-line presence only.
As Totally didn't even last the whole of the RTD era, it is unlikely we will be seeing any new version of it in 2023.

And many happy returns to Neil Patrick Harris, who is spending his 49th birthday in Bristol. filming Doctor Who with David Tennant. The media have shots of him in top hat and tails dancing as people run around in panic.

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