Wednesday 3 August 2022

K is for... Krillitanes

A carnivorous race which could assimilate the physical characteristics of other races which they had conquered. When the Doctor encountered them at Deffry Vale School in London they looked like giant bats. He didn't recognise them as the last time he had seen them they looked humanoid, but with very long necks. Their new appearance was partly due to them assimilating aspects of the peoples from Bessan, who had wings.
The Krillitanes at the school were able to employ a morphic illusion to give them human appearance, so they could disguise themselves as teachers and kitchen staff. Their leader, Brother Lassar, took on the role of Headmaster, Mr Hector Finch.
The creatures had altered their physical characteristics so much that they had become allergic to their own natural oils. Contact with the raw oil could result in them combusting. The oil was necessary, however, to cook food for the pupils as it had the ability to greatly increase their intelligence.
Lassar intended to harness this intelligence to solve the Skasis Paradigm. This legendary algorithm would enable them to manipulate space, time and matter. Lassar tempted the Doctor with the return of the Time Lords if he joined forces with them.
The Doctor was posing as a teacher and had been reunited with Sarah Jane Smith to investigate the school.
Their bat-like appearance gave schoolboy Kenny the idea to use noise against them - activating the fire alarm to allow everyone to escape. The Doctor then had K9 Mark III detonate a vat of their oil - blowing them up before they could solve the Paradigm.

Played by: Anthony Head (Finch / Lassar), Eugene Washington (Mr Wagner), Caroline Berry (Dinner Lady). Appearances: School Reunion (2006).
  • Eugene Washington had previously auditioned for the role of Major Blake in The Christmas Invasion.
  • Anthony Head first came to fame through a series of ads for coffee, before taking on the role of Giles in Buffy The Vampire Killer. Often suggested as a possible Doctor himself, he was one of the narrators for Doctor Who Confidential. Another popular genre role was as King Uther Pendragon in the BBC's Merlin.

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