Wednesday 3 August 2022

K is for... Krasis

Krasis was the High Priest of the Temple of Poseidon in Atlantis. The temple contained the trident-shaped crystal of Kronos - a powerful being which had been imprisoned in the city for centuries. This was really an alien entity known as a Chronovore - a devourer of Time. Seeking to control Kronos, the Master obtained a shard of the crystal and used it to project the High Priest forward in time to the 20th Century. He hoped that he would help him harness the power of the Chronovore. He discovered that Krasis had a medallion which gave the precise location of the temple in the ancient city, allowing him to take his TARDIS there. The Doctor followed, and Krasis - now a willing ally of the Master - had he and Jo Grant arrested and locked up. The High Priest was killed when the Master freed Kronos, and it destroyed the city in revenge for its captivity.

Played by: Donald Eccles. Appearances: The Time Monster (1972).
  • One of Eccles' later performances was in Quatermass (AKA The Quatermass Conclusion, AKA "The John Mills one") - the final instalment of the franchise which was shown on ITV in 1979. He played the elderly scent maker Chisholm.
  • In 1976 he was under consideration to play the original incarnation of Borusa, in The Deadly Assassin.

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