Monday 25 July 2022

On This Day... 25th July

Viewers today in 1964 might have been wondering why the fifth episode of The Sensorites was titled Kidnap. The actual kidnapping (of astronaut Carol) only took place in the closing seconds.
In 1985 the TV series was on its hiatus. To tide things over it had been agreed that Eric Saward would write a story for radio, with Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant. The result was Slipback, the first two 10 minute instalments of which made their debut today on a children's section of BBC Radio 4. If you bought the Season 22 Collection box-set recently you will have found this as an extra. It includes an extremely annoying computer and a massive contradiction to the recently broadcast Terminus (script edited by Saward), in that it gives an entirely different reason for the Big Bang.

Today we wish Queen Thalira of Peladon a very happy birthday. Nina Thomas is 70.
She shares her birthday with actor Oscar James, who turns 80. He was only a background artist in The Crusade, but later went on to become a regular on EastEnders, playing Tony Carpenter.

We also remember a couple of Hartnell era guest artists. Robin Phillips, who played Altos in The Keys of Marinus, died in 2015, aged 73. This was the same age as Hywell Bennett (Aridian Rynian in The Chase) when he passed away in 2017.
Mike Mundell, the Gallifreyan outler Jasko in The Invasion of Time, died in 2003, aged 58.
Also on this date, the stunt man and fight arranger on Battlefield Alf Joint passed away - in 2005 aged 77. He performed stunt work on The Ambassadors of Death and Colony in Space as well. His movie work included several James Bond and Superman films, as well as Return of the Jedi and A Bridge Too Far.

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