Monday 16 May 2022

K is for... Kess

Commander Kess was the sadistic head of security at Ood Operations on the icy world of the Ood Sphere. When the Ood began to be stricken by the ailment known as "red-eye" they would become aggressive. Kess would hunt the infected down and kill them. He took every opportunity to brutalise the creatures.
When ordered to capture the Doctor and Donna Noble, he was prepared to actually kill them both - crushing the Doctor with a giant mechanical cargo claw and locking Donna in a container with infected Ood. He was only stopped by the intervention of sales manager Solana Mercurio, who knew that her boss, Klineman Halpen, would want to interrogate them.
When it looked like the red-eye infection was rife throughout the main warehouse, Halpen ordered Kess to exterminate all the Ood held there. He set up toxic gas containers. However, the Ood escaped and locked him in, and he was killed by the gas.

Played by: Roger Griffiths. Appearances: Planet of the Ood (2008).

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