Monday 4 April 2022

K is for... Kasaavin

An alien race who originated in an alternative dimension. They appeared to be creatures of humanoid shape, glowing with a brilliant white light - but this was not their natural form. They told the Doctor that they were using the humanoid form purely as an amusement. 
They had the ability to push themselves through any form of matter - even through the shell of the TARDIS. When they did this, they took on the appearance of whatever material they were passing through.
They were able to transfer people from this universe over to their own.
They planned to invade the Earth, turning the entire population into data receptacles - living hard-drives. They were working with the Master to achieve this, and he in turn was employing an IT millionaire named Daniel Barton.
The Doctor was able to block Barton's scheme, and to expose the Master as someone who intended to betray the Kasaavin - so they transferred him to their domain.

Voiced by: Struan Rodger. Appearances: Spyfall Parts 1 & 2 (2020).
  • The glowing Kasaavin weren't purely a CGI effect. The costumes were actually covered with strong white lights.
  • Rodger also provided the voice of the Face of Boe in New Earth and Gridlock.
  • He also got to appear on screen in The Woman Who Lived, as Lady Me's manservant Clayton.

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