Tuesday 1 November 2022

L is for... Lem, Tasha

Tasha Lem was an old friend of the Doctor. It was heavily implied that they had once enjoyed a romantic relationship. He was reunited with her at the planet Trenzalore when she was Mother Superious of the Church of the Papal Mainframe. The Church had stepped in to try to maintain peace amongst the many alien races who had gathered there in response to a mysterious universe-spanning signal.
A force-field had been established to prevent any alien technology from reaching the surface, but the Doctor hid a TARDIS key under a wig to smuggle the ship down to the township of Christmas.
Tasha was a long-lived individual, and after 500 years the peace finally broke down as the Daleks defeated all the other races. When the Doctor returned to the Papal Mainframe he found that Tasha had been turned into a Dalek drone, with one of their weapons sprouting from her forehead. She could recall having been exterminated. However, such was the strength of her will that she was able to overcome the mental conditioning. She had been taught how to operate the TARDIS at some point in the past, and used it to travel to 21st Century Earth to fetch Clara Oswald to come and help the aged Doctor.

Played by: Orla Brady. Appearances: The Time of the Doctor (2013).
  • Tasha Lem is River Song in all but name - an old girlfriend who can fly the TARDIS. Apparently Steven Moffat did not intend this similarity - it derived from the director and actors.
  • In DWM Moffat suggested that she and Madam Kovarian had once been married.

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