Tuesday 1 November 2022

L is for... Leicester, Earl of

The Earl of Leicester was right hand man to King Richard I - the Lionheart - during the Third Crusade. He was with his monarch at his base in the city of Jaffa when it was visited by the Doctor and his companions. Barbara was abducted by a Saracen raiding party, and Ian found himself knighted in order to represent Richard in approaching Saladin for her release. The Doctor, meanwhile, became involved in court intrigues. The King devised a plan to marry his sister Joanna to Saladin's brother Saphadin, in order to bring the war to a close. The Doctor argued with the Earl over how to end the conflict - with the Doctor favouring a peaceful resolution, and the Earl demanding conquest on the field of battle. He divulged the King's plan to Joanna, and Richard came to believe that it had been the Doctor who had done this. Leicester declined to contradict this as he wanted to undermine the Doctor.
Soon after, the Earl came to suspect the Doctor and Vicki of sorcery. They were escorted into the nearby forest to be executed, but 'Sir Ian of Jaffa' arrived back in time to save them - claiming the right to kill them himself. They fled into the TARDIS and departed - leading Leicester to believe that the sorcerers had abducted poor Sir Ian.

Played by: John Bay. Appearances: The Crusade (1965).
  • Robert de Beaumont, Fourth Earl of Leicester, died in 1204 - his birthdate unrecorded. He was made Earl whilst on crusade with Richard, on the death of his father. He died without issue and his nephew, Simon de Montfort, inherited the title.
  • Bay was an American. He was married to comic actress Elaine Stritch.

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