Monday 7 March 2022

K is for... Kantrofarri

Also known as Dream Crabs, the Kantrofarri were a parasite species of unknown origins. They were about the size of a football, and had long claw-like appendages which they used to tighten themselves around their victims' skulls - for the Kantrofarri fed on humanoid brain matter. The victim was pacified by a substance which placed them in a dream-state, whilst the creature burrowed into the skull and liquidised the contents for digestion. Blind and deaf, they used telepathy to home in on their prey. Multiple people could be made to share the same dream due to a psychic link. If the link was broken and the victim able to break out of their dream, the Kantrofarri was destroyed, its body rapidly crumbling to dust. Over the years they were able to refine their feeding by placing their prey into dreams within dreams.
When the Doctor and Clara were attacked by the creatures, they weren't even travelling together. The Doctor was in the TARDIS and Clara at home. They first of all met Santa Claus and his Elves, and then a group of scientists working at a polar base in the Arctic. These were all dreams, however. After breaking free the Doctor saved Clara and all but one of the people who were dreaming of being scientists.

Appearances: Last Christmas (2014).
  • The Kantrofarri are obviously based on the "facehugger" stage of Ridley Scott's Alien, but this is actually referenced within the story by one of the characters.

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