Tuesday 23 November 2021

On This Doctor Who Day... 23rd November

First of all - a very happy Doctor Who Day!
On the evening of 23rd November, 1963, Coal Hill School teachers Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright were concerned about their pupil Susan Foreman - who seemed to be An Unearthly Child. They followed her home one evening and discovered that she appeared to live in a junkyard which, incongruously, had a Metropolitan Police Public Call Box standing in the middle of it. They then encountered Susan's grandfather - an old man known only as the Doctor. Barbara and Ian pushed their way inside the Police Box when they heard Susan call out from it - and the rest is history.
Naturally, anniversary related episodes have made their debut on this date. These include:
Silver Nemesis Part One in 1988 - the Silver Anniversary story. It was supposed to go out fourth in the season, but was brought forward in order to begin broadcast on today's date.
The Day of the Doctor in 2013 - the 50th Anniversary story.
Other episodes broadcast on this date include Part One of Dragonfire, in 1987, and The Invasion Part Four, in 1968. 
To tie in with The Day of the Doctor, we also had Doctor Who Live: The Afterparty, which was dreadful, and The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot, which was brilliant.

A birthday of note today is Michelle Gomez, who played Missy, the first female incarnation of the Master. She turns 55 today. Many happy returns!

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