Tuesday 4 June 2024

The Rogue One

Haven't indulged in much idle speculation recently, but this talk of the character "Rogue" changing the Doctor's life forever has got me thinking. All that's been said about him so far is that he's some sort of bounty hunter, with advanced technology - so alien and / or from the future.
I believe there was some talk about a recast Captain Jack Harkness when the casting of Mr Groff was announced, but that is highly unlikely. 
Can't see him being the next Master either, as the actor is way too busy to make regular appearances.
Who might he be, then, that can affect the Doctor the way the synopsis claims?
A few options:
  • Not the new Captain Jack, but another member of the Time Agency. Not exactly life-changing news.
  • He's another Time Lord. The Doctor does think he's the last of his kind again (apart from his bi-generation self), but this would hardly be seismic news either.
  • He's the same Time Lord (1). Another of the pre-Hartnell Doctors like the Fugitive, an active member of the Division. Maybe one who hasn't had memories fully wiped and knows something of his past.
  • He's the same Time Lord (2). A future Doctor. This could be a big thing as it would show that the Doctor becomes a more violent figure in his future.
  • He's another member of the Doctor's own race, from the other universe.
  • Taking the last option further, he's a relative of the Doctor.
  • He's the "One Who Waits" and Groff has secretly filmed material for the finale we never knew about.
  • He works for the "One". The Doctor is the bounty he's hunting.
  • He's the Valeyard / Rani / Susan / Meddling Monk etc, etc, etc.
  • Something really mundane and it was all hype.

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