Friday 7 June 2024

Another Tale Of The TARDIS

Eagle-eyed fans will have spotted the "Memory TARDIS" from the Tales of the TARDIS in one of the Series 14 trailers. The BBC have now announced that there will be a new one of these Tales arriving on BBC Four at 8pm on Thursday 20th June - a day or so before the Series 14 finale.
It is said to feature the 15th Doctor and Ruby. 
These mini episodes were designed to top and tail an old story from the archives, so one wonders what story this new one might be linked with. 
The running time is 75 minutes - suggesting that it might simply be a repeat of one of the stories we have already seen this year. 
However, with rumours of Susan Foreman's return (the Susan twist), another possibility is something like The Edge of Destruction (which would be a nice nod to the late William Russell as well).
The third option is a condensed Pertwee story involving UNIT, as we have been told that something from UNIT's history is key to the finale.

However, the glimpse we saw in the trailer seems to show the Doctor and Mel in the Memory TARDIS - suggesting that it also features in the finale itself.
How significant is it that Susan Twist is going to be playing a character named Susan Triad in the finale - i.e. S TRIAD, an anagram of TARDIS? (But then Kylie played Astrid, who turned out to have nothing to do with the TARDIS). Just another RTD2 red herring?
Triad is another telecommunications company apparently. Davies has used these a few times - Archangel Network, Cybus, Naismith - as fronts for villains.
We know that the Big Bad is going to be a god-like power.  This has led some to think Sutekh or Omega (which would tie in with UNIT history. The Three Doctors is the only four-parter of that era which included a god-like villain and UNIT that could be condensed to fit a Tales of the TARDIS slot). 
The problem with Sutekh is that he was quite categorically killed off, whilst Omega only thinks he's a god. He's just a crazy Time Lord.
There was once a trio - or triad - of proper gods in the series, however: the Gods of Ragnarok.
The problem with them is that they are a trio, whereas the hints this year have been about "the One...".

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