Friday 21 June 2024

N is for... Nesbin

A Gallifreyan who had renounced the society of Time Lords, and who now led a group of Outsiders who lived in the wilderness beyond the Capitol. Here they lived a natural existence by hunting and foraging. 
Vardan troops invaded the city, having used the Doctor to establish a bridgehead for them by claiming the vacant Presidency of the High Council of Time Lords. He was secretly working against the aliens but they could read minds and he had to act as though he was helping them. Time Lords who opposed the invaders were to be exiled from the city into the wasteland, as was his companion Leela. The Doctor knew that she would form a force to oppose the Vardans whilst he worked on ways to eject them back to their homeworld where they could be trapped.
Nesbin was impressed with Leela's skills - but not so the other Time Lords who arrived. They came from a sterile, technological society in which everything was done for them. He and Leela decided that only a small unit of his own people should re-enter the city and help the Doctor.
The Vardans were defeated, but proved to be a diversionary force for a unit of Sontaran troopers. Nesbin helped Leela and the Doctor fight them, before they too were defeated.

Played by: Max Faulkner. Appearances: The Invasion of Time (1978).
  • Faulkner (1931 - 2010) was a regular extra and stunt performer on the series, having first appeared as a UNIT soldier in The Ambassadors of Death in 1970. In this, his character appears to be killed, only to reappear later unharmed. The same thing happens in The Monster of Peladon, where he plays a Pel miner who is killed twice within minutes.
  • Another prominent role is as another UNIT soldier, in The Android Invasion.
  • He was fight arranger on The Hand of Fear.
  • Nesbin was his final acting role in the series, though he continued to feature in stunt roles (usually as guards) up to Season 17.

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