Thursday 20 June 2024

Pyramids of Mars - A TARDIS Tale

The latest of the Tales of the TARDIS sees the Doctor and Ruby in the Memory TARDIS at some point after last week's episode, yet after the opening of the finale - so at some point during Empire of Death.
He's telling her about his previous encounter with Sutekh, which leads us into an edited down version of Pyramids of Mars. This has been given some new VFX, and the music has been mildly mucked about with. We get bits from Season 18, and inappropriately loud bits overlaying dialogue scenes which simply didn't need it (such as the Marconiscope scene).
I do think messing with a Dudley Simpson score should be a criminal offence.
The new VFX aren't too intrusive. A shot of the TARDIS in space and a new sarcophagus time tunnel effect. The energy barrier now showed a rippling effect when touched. The jackal-headed Sutekh was tidied up a little at the end.
I expected the trip to the possible 1980 to have been cut, or been given new FX, but it was retained as was, with just the CSO stabilised.
One way of cutting things down was to overlap scenes, such as how Sutekh's instructions to Marcus Scarman were played over non-dialogue shots of the Doctor and Sarah at the barrier.
The most noticeable deletions come from the concluding episode, where the pyramid puzzles are mostly dispensed with. 
The main story beats were still there, with the best known lines of dialogue of which there are many. The credit may be someone else's, but this is pure Robert Holmes.
Remastered picture quality was superb.
Back in the present, the Doctor tells Ruby that Sutekh has evolved and is now far more powerful.

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