Saturday 8 October 2022

Trailer lands, and it is the 23rd October...

No sooner had I posted about the expected trailer, assuming it to debut later on prime-time BBC One, they slip it out on youtube in the middle of the afternoon without fanfare.
Depending where you live, you can see it here:

It looks suitably epic, with the Earth being attacked by what looks like another planet. Kate Stewart tells the Doctor that a dozen leading seismologists have gone missing, over scenes of volcanic eruptions. The Doctor and companions are seen on top of a speeding spacecraft in their red spacesuits (probably the bullet train mentioned previously). Ace seems to be investigating missing paintings. We see her parachuting at one point. A skyscraper is seen blowing up. Daleks and Cybermen. The Doctor calls out Yaz's name as she appears to regenerate.
Nothing can be construed as a spoiler, such as the next Doctor or hitherto unannounced cameos - but it doesn't mean there won't be any. This week SFX magazine confirmed Bradley Walsh is in it, but we don't see him.
The poster image above has also been released - you will get a copy of this when you buy DWM 385 by the way - and a quartet of new photographs, including these two:

The others are a half-length portrait of the 'Rasputin' Master, and a shot of Ace and Tegan on a stairwell with UNIT troops.
The more I look at the images of the Doctor's "regeneration", the more I'm not so sure that is what we are actually seeing. The image above shows her surrounded by Cybermen / Cybermasters. Bearing in mind the title of the episode, is the Master simply tapping her "Power" like a battery, to feed his allies?
This might lead to the regeneration, but not actually be it - otherwise the next Doctor still has to defeat the Cybermen / Master / Cybermasters. It wouldn't be right for Jodie Whittaker's final story to be resolved by another Doctor.
The trailer looks impressive. Were I a casual viewer, I think I'd be tempted to give this a go - so hopefully it will get an airing at key points on TV between now and the broadcast.
The official BBC Doctor Who twitter account states that The Power of the Doctor will be shown on Sunday, 23rd October.

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