Monday 14 February 2022

On This Day... 14th February

One annual festival Doctor Who has never touched upon is St Valentine's Day. Thank goodness, you're probably thinking. There's far too much lovey-dovey alongside the timey-wimey as it is these days...
Over the years, today has been a day for Part Three's...
We got our first proper look at a Silurian at the conclusion of Part Three of The Silurians today in 1970.
The Seeds of Doom had also reached its third instalment in 1976, where the action had now shifted to England and Harrison Chase's mansion.
Finally, we had Part Three of The Keeper of Traken, in 1981.

Today we wish Michael E Briant a happy 80th birthday. The "E" was added to differentiate him from the actor Michael Bryant. 
He worked on the series as an Assistant Floor Manager and Production Assistant in the 1960's on stories such as Fury From The Deep, and in the 1970's became a director. His first Doctor Who as director was The Colony In Space, and he went on to make The Sea Devils, The Green Death, Death to the Daleks, Revenge of the Cybermen and The Robots of Death.
Briant had a habit of employing himself whenever a voice was needed in his episodes - such as the radio DJ heard in The Sea Devils and the narrator of the video watched by the Doctor in The Colony in Space.
Outside of television, his passion is sailing and he has had some adventures of his own, braving storms and pirates.

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