Monday 10 September 2018

F is for... Flavia

Chancellor Flavia was a senior member of the High Council of Time Lords on Gallifrey. When some unknown force began to remove the Doctor from Time, in all his incarnations, she was part of the inner council which investigated the crisis, along with President Borusa and the Castellan. Flavia was seen as an ally of the Doctor, whereas the Castellan had harboured some animosity towards him.
She agreed that it seemed unlikely that the Castellan should be behind the abductions of the Doctor's previous selves, and told the Doctor that she would investigate further.
After Borusa had been unmasked as the abductor - part of a scheme to gain immortality from Rassilon's tomb - Flavia made the journey to the Dark Tower in person to bestow the Presidency upon the Doctor, insisting it was time that he took on this responsibility. The Doctor chose to run away from Gallifrey in the TARDIS, but nominated Flavia to be acting President in his absence.

Played by: Dinah Sheridan. Appearances: The Five Doctors (1983).

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