Thursday 1 August 2013

News - odds and ends

Whilst we wait to see if the BBC confirm the Sunday announcement rumours, a few other items of news to be getting on with.
Bad news out of the way first: Paul McGann denies he has anything to do with the 50th Anniversary story. Might be misdirection of course. The Radio Times had printed speculation last week about one of the surviving classic series Doctors making an appearance. Whilst McGann was the obvious candidate, we did think that Tom could also be a possibility (as the elder statesman and his huge popularity) or Peter (family connections).

If you're anywhere near Hurleston, Cheshire, this summer do keep an eye out for the Wicker Dalek. It is not known if the ice cream company who have built it intend to burn any showrunners to death in it at the climax of this year's harvest festival...

Sometimes if you kick up a fuss, the powers that be do listen. BBC DVD have hastily backtracked on the omission of The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe from the Series 7 Box Set. Such a pity they gave such a feeble excuse for the omission in the first place. And it is still out in the US a whole month before the UK.

Last, but by no means least, good news for the Anniversary year. For this month only, attendees of the Cardiff DW Experience are getting the chance to visit the TARDIS set at nearby Roath Lock. And I'll be doing just that on Wednesday 14th August. Regular readers will know that I was planning a return visit to the Experience this summer anyway, so this is an added bonus. Expect a post on the 15th.
There is a caveat. If the set is needed on the day you attend, the tour's off.

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