Friday, 27 December 2024

Christmas Who Roundup

Making use of free WiFi on the train to give a quick update. Of the three Doctor Who items this week, by far and away my favourite thing was the Prom. The only parts of that I wasn't too bothered about were the newer items, which I think says a lot. Even the music was better in previous years.
Joy to the World was bearable at best. I actually found it a bit dull, and overly sentimental to the point of schmaltz, especially the ending. Can't understand why the Doctor opted to stay in the hotel when he has UNIT to call on, or even his former self with Donna's family. He knew he couldn't do anything for a whole year, so why feel the need to stick around?
The trailer for next series was a little too brief and samey - people floating in space or being sucked out into space. Only a flying saucer attack on a futuristic city (Daleks possibly?) and the cartoon character emerging from a cinema screen proved intriguing. This latter comes from the 1950's Miami set story, which may see the return of the Harbinger from last series, as was seen on the cinema display outside the venue in photos taken during filming.
The War Games I've already covered. The DVD will be out sometime in the New Year, and apparently will include the original 10 episodes and extras. Joy to the World comes out on 27th Jan. No mention of any extras. Hoping for the Prom. If only the episode and Unleashed, certainly not worth buying as on iPlayer and probably on the next series Boxset.
I'll update again after Monday when, hopefully, internet sorted out at home.

1 comment:

  1. Found JTTW underwhelming. Liked Anita as a character but the rest were just wallpaper characters and unstantly forgettable. RTD even had to shoehorn a lesbian character in for no reason. Wasn't relevant to the plot so why bother. Weeks ago I predicted the starseed would be the star of Bethlehem - was even picked up by CultBox. Probably one of many recent stories that I probably won't watch again. 5/10
