Friday 8 December 2023

M is for... Moment, The

The Moment was an awesomely powerful Time Lord weapon. As the Last Great Time War reached a climax, and Gallifrey was on the point of falling to the Daleks, the Doctor broke into the Capitol's most secure vaults and stole it.
His plan was to bring the conflict to an end by destroying both opposing forces in their entirety.
He took the device, which resembled an ornate wooden box containing a red crystal trigger, to his childhood haunt in the wastes of Outer Gallifrey.
Here, in a derelict barn, he prepared to activate it. However, the Moment was a sentient weapon.
It generated an interface - in the image of someone from his own history - which would interrogate his conscience and probe his motives. In this way it would ensure that it could only be used by someone who really had no other option but to do so - someone who was fully aware and accepting of the consequences.
The form it took was that of the 'Bad Wolf' version of Rose Tyler - even though the incarnation of the Doctor who possessed the device hadn't met Rose yet.
As it was, another means to end the conflict was found and the Moment wasn't deployed - though for many years the Doctor believed he had used it, his memory of these events having been wiped as the timeline was changed.

Played by: Billie Piper. Appearances: The Day of the Doctor (2013).

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