Thursday 22 October 2020

I is for... Ingram, Ruth


Dr Ruth Ingram was the more senior of the two assistants to Professor Thascalos at the Newton Institute near Cambridge. She worked with Stuart Hyde on the professor's TOMTIT machine - Transmission Of Matter Through Interstitial Time. Strongly feminist in her views, she was often incensed by her employer's somewhat patronising comments. She coerced Stuart into conducting an experiment with TOMTIT without the professor's permission - reasoning that they had done as much work on it as he had. Thascalos was, however, really the Master - working on a scheme to take control over a powerful Chronovore named Kronos, who was imprisoned in ancient Atlantis. After the Master had frozen the Brigadier and his men in time, Ruth joined forces with Stuart and Sergeant Benton to try to undo the effects of the machine, but their attempts only caused Benton to revert to babyhood. On is return from Atlantis, the Doctor was assisted by Ruth in putting time back on track.

Played by: Wanda Moore. Appearances: The Time Monster (1972).

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