Monday 10 September 2018

F is for... Flemming

Flemming was the Maitre d' of the starship Harmony and Redemption, which hosted some of the richest beings in the galaxy. They were also amongst the most evil beings in the galaxy - people who had committed all manner of genocidal crimes. River Song had traveled on the vessel before and had met Flemming. When she asked after his wife he informed her that she had just been eaten by his children. River had come to the ship in order to sell the jewel which she intended to cut from from the skull of her husband, King Hydroflax - little realising that the purchasers idolised the King.
With River was another of her husbands - the Twelfth Doctor - though she did not know who he was.
She had asked Flemming to lock the storage room in which the TARDIS and Hydroflax's robotic body were trapped, but a third husband - Ramone, whose head had been taken by the robot, tricked him into unlocking it. The duplicitous Flemming then agreed to help the robot to save his own head, stealing River's diary. He planned to obtain the Doctor's head for the robot - not guessing that this was the man accompanying River. She had chosen to come to the spaceship on this particular date, as history recorded that it would be destroyed by a meteor strike, and crash into the planet of Darillium. River and the Doctor escaped in the TARDIS, whilst Flemming and the rest of the ship's passengers and crew perished in the crash.

Played by: Rowan Polonski. Appearances: The Husbands of River Song (2015).
  • Polonski had just featured in the first Kingsman movie (Kingsman: The Secret Service) before appearing in Doctor Who.

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