Friday 17 November 2023

CiN: Destination Skaro

The five minute Children in Need item from Russell T Davies might be titled
Destination Skaro, according to his Twitter. The writer had previously explained that the DWM comic strip was designed to cover the period between the regeneration and the 60th Anniversary Specials, though viewers won't have missed anything - other than the joke here.
For the comic ended with the Doctor hoping he didn't go anywhere near Skaro any time soon...
Of course, that's exactly where the TARDIS takes him, straight after he has just defeated all manner of Daleks.
The ship crashes into the pre-accident Davros' laboratory just after he has shown his Mark 3 Travel Machine to an Elite underling, replete with its fancy multi-purpose claw attachment. The underling is struggling to find an anagram of KALED when the Doctor arrives. Davros has been called away by a voice sounding suspiciously like Nyder's.
The crash has ripped the arm off the Dalek. The Doctor inadvertently gives the young man the name DALEK, and takes a sink plunger from the TARDIS to replace the broken attachment...
Davros returns after the TARDIS has departed, and spots the plunger - which he really rather likes!

It's a very funny five minutes, with lots of references to Genesis of the Daleks and the Daleks in general. The Doctor is basically responsible for certain elements of Dalek lore, albeit accidentally. 
Julian Bleach returns as Davros, but in his original uninjured Kaled form.
David Tennant slips back into the role of the Doctor as though he's never been away. Recent interviews have said that we will see that the 14th isn't the same as the 10th, but we'll need to see a full episode to find out if that's the case.
An enjoyable little minisode, just right for something like Children in Need

1 comment:

  1. Grand.
    Davros did a grand job helping us take Daleks seriously. And help enhance the humour of his assistant's stupidity with his refusals and annoyance.
    The 14th Doctor's reacts tickel me.
    It be funyn if Daros saww the 14th Doctor. Imagin the reaction.
    Nice of the 14th Dcotor to help the asisstant. The 9th Doctor be ';let him die for helping the man who forge my enemy', but the 14th Docotr aqll 'i msuyt save him or his boss kills him'.
