Thursday 21 October 2021

The Halloween Apocalypse Synopsis

The pre-broadcast synopsis for The Halloween Apocalypse goes as follows:

"On Halloween, all across the Universe, terrifying forces are stirring. From the Arctic Circle to deep space, an ancient evil is breaking free. And in present day Liverpool, the life of Dan Lewis is about to change forever.
Why is the Doctor on the trail of the fearsome Karvanista? And what if the Flux?".

Now this doesn't say that the Doctor actually meets Karvanista, but I think we can safely assume that the new dog-faced alien does appear, which might mean that this episode also features some Cybermen. We don't know if Karvanista is in a single episode, or is a recurring character. The image above shows Dan in a cage in Karvanista's lair / spaceship. 
As mentioned yesterday, the same actor plays Karvanista who plays Dan's workmate. Is this just a reuse of the same actor (since we don't see his face in one of the roles), or is it the same character, able to disguise himself - and therefore the means by which Dan gets involved in this story in the first place?


  1. So, all across the universe, Halloween is acknowledged?

  2. I was wondering about that. It isn't even acknowledged across the Earth.
