Sunday 24 October 2021

Flux - Characters

With just one week to go, the BBC have released a number of images revolving around the guest cast / characters to be seen in the upcoming chapters of Flux. This is certainly a change to the last two seasons, when everything was a closely guarded secret.
Kevin McNally's character is called Professor Jericho, and it is believed that his episode is the one which also features the Weeping Angels, as both actor and Angels were seen at different times at the same filming location.

Nadia Albina plays a character named Diane Curtis, who works at the Museum of Liverpool and is an old flame of new companion Dan.
It seems that Dan's workmate and Karvanista are one and the same - not just the same actor playing different roles. Karvanista is supposed to be able to shape-change. His lair might be in the tunnels beneath Liverpool that were built by the tunnel-obsessed Joseph Williamson (1769 - 1840), who is played by Steve Oram.

Alongside Sara Powell, who plays Mary Seacole, we have Gerald Kyd as a British army officer of the Crimean War. We know this episode features the Sontarans. The Scots comic actor Jonathan Watson might be playing one of the Sontarans. The ones seen on location in Liverpool were slightly taller than the ones seen in the series from 2008 onwards.

The Ravagers are supposed to be a pair of characters, according to Chibnall - so might be the skull-faced beings we saw in the trailer.
Colin Spruell is in The Halloween Apocalypse as a character called Swarm. He's over 6 feet tall is Colin, so he might be the male Ravager - or a completely different character all together.
There's a couple of human-looking characters played by Blake Harrison and Thaddea Graham, who have a bit of a height difference between them - so maybe they are the disguised Ravagers.
We know that the Ravagers, whoever is playing them, come from another dimension, but have a history with the Doctor.

Two other characters worth noting are Neville (Paul Broughton) and Eileen (Sue Jenkins). Neville is Dan's dad.
The Flux is definitely a phenomenon, rather than a race or creature.

Finally, there's one new planet named - Atropos "which shouldn't exist". A quick Google search shows that this was one of the three Fates in Greek Mythology - whose name means unalterable or inflexible - the exact opposite to flux...

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