Tuesday 19 October 2021

J is for... Jensen, Rachel

Professor Rachel Jensen was the chief scientific adviser to the Intrusion Counter-Measures Group, which was led by the RAF's Group Captain Gilmore. This organisation was an early forerunner of UNIT, in that it investigated strange phenomena, including alien interventions in Great Britain.
Jensen had as her assistant a young woman named Allison Williams, and she was an acquaintance of Professor Bernard Quatermass of the British Rocket Group. 
Jensen had been co-opted into the ICMG much against her will, as it took her away from her researches.
Jensen encountered the Doctor in 1963, when alien activity was identified at a junkyard in the Coal Hill district of East London. This proved to be a Dalek, one of a rebel group which had come to seize a powerful Gallifreyan artefact left behind by the Doctor - the Hand of Omega. He had expected this to happen, but hadn't bargained on there being two rival Dalek factions, thanks to their creator Davros setting up his own loyal Empire. Realising that the Doctor knew far more about what was going on here, Jensen deferred to him when it came to Gilmore's efforts to bring the situation under control.

Played by: Pamela Salem. Appearances: Remembrance of the Daleks (1988).
  • Salem had auditioned for the part of Leela. When she didn't get this, she won the part of Toos in The Robots of Death, as well as providing one of the voices for the computer Xoanon in The Face of Evil.
  • The Counter-Measures Group have continued their adventures on audio, despite only ever appearing in this one television story.

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