Sunday 3 February 2019

G is for... Gorgon

Whilst trapped in the Land of Fiction, the Doctor and Zoe found themselves lost in a labyrinth where they were attacked by Medusa, the Gorgon. They saw the snake-haired statue come to life and advance towards them. The Doctor knew that the creature existed only as a myth, but Zoe felt compelled to look at her face. Recalling how the Greek hero Perseus had defeated the Gorgon using his polished shield, the Doctor pulled a mirror from his pocket and had Zoe look into that. The Gorgon then returned to stone.

Played by: Sue Pulford. Appearances: The Mind Robber (1968).
  • In Greek myth there were three Gorgons - the sisters Medusa, Stheno and Euryale. They were the daughters of Phorcys and Ceto. Medusa appears in both versions of the film Clash of the Titans, in which Perseus is aided by the winged horse Pegasus. In the original Greek myths, however, Pegasus was only born after she was killed - springing from her dead body.

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