Monday 5 August 2024

What's Wrong With... The Visitation

Just a few things...
The one everyone spots is the layout of the buried capsule. From the exterior, it is clear that most of it is under the ground, and yet the escape hatch near the nose opens out onto ground level. The floor should be tilted a lot more as well.
We also have the problem of lots of alien tech left lying around - the capsule as well as the cellar laboratory set up by the Terileptil. The Doctor later worries about a man-made Concorde beneath Heathrow, but this extra-terrestrial equipment will only have been around for a few hundred years.
And the TARDIS crew have the cheek to remark that the tiny power pack retained by Mace might cause future archaeologists a problem...

The aliens are escapees from a prison planet - so where did the android come from? We know it belongs to them as the Doctor talks about it in relation to their aesthetic sensibilities. If built from items on the escape craft, then that's one very well-equipped lifeboat.
They disguise it as the Grim Reaper - but surely it's frightening enough for the local primitives that they don't need to do this.
Despite having built-in armaments, it does a lot of simply standing about and letting people easily run round it to escape - or shake it to bits.
The Terileptil destroys the sonic screwdriver - yet locked the Doctor up with it in the first place rather than search him first. And it leaves him with a power pack.
We have a particularly bad example of the Bond villain habit of leaving the hero to perish in an overly complicated manner, rather than just shoot him.

The Doctor knows that they have arrived at the site of what will one day be Heathrow Airport, but the Doctor has to ask Mace what the nearest population centre is.
The first sizeable town that would have come to his mind would surely be Windsor, rather than London.
As the name suggests, Heathrow was heathland, not covered in forest, in the 17th Century.
Why does the Doctor use an ancient hand-drawn map of London, which isn't topographically accurate, to pin down the location of the Terileptil base?

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