Friday 2 August 2024

Doctor Who y la Guerra Espacial...

Somewhere in Spain in the late 1970's, some unknown artist was clearly inspired by Chris Achilleos' cover art for Malcolm Hulke's Doctor Who and the Space War. Commissioned to provide exciting artwork for a series of pulp sci-fi novels, they raided the Target book for three separate covers.
We have a Draconian, an Ogron and the Master's stolen police spaceship gracing Permiso Para Invadir La Tierra (Permission to Invade the Earth), Contrabandistas del Cosmos (Space Smugglers) and Cita en Ganimedes (Appointment on Ganymede).

The books number in their hundreds, and hail from a publisher known as Bruguera. I came across them on an internet archive site. There is another cover which features a well-known pepper-pot shaped robotic figure...

As well as the ciencia ficcion novels, there are hundreds of supernatural / horror titles as well from the same source. Other artwork steals come from the original Star Wars, Creature from the Black Lagoon, This Island Earth, It! The Terror from Beyond Space, Flash Gordon and many, many others. It's great fun identifying all the movies which the artists have raided for their imagery.

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