Wednesday 22 July 2020

H is for... Hoix

Bipedal reptilian creatures who have a reputation for being omnivorous. The Doctor and Rose Tyler encountered one in London in 2007 - an event witnessed by Elton Pope, a member of the LINDA group who were researching the Doctor. The Doctor had a bucket full of an unknown liquid which he was going to use to subdue the creature. A different liquid caused the Hoix to become aggressive when thrown over it.
A short time later, a Hoix came through the Cardiff Rift and was locked up in a hospital basement by one of the staff there. Torchwood member Owen Harper recognised the species, informing the hospital worker that he had heard of one which had eaten the entire contents of a kebab shop in under 20 minutes. The Hoix was placated with some chocolate and cigarettes and was captured.
The Hoix were also members of the alien alliance which trapped the Doctor in the Pandorica at Stonehenge in 102AD.
Another species closely related to the Hoix were present when the Doctor later visited the Rings of Akhaten.

Prior to this, the Doctor had discovered that a Hoix was amongst the victims of the faith-devouring Minotaur creature which inhabited a prison ship disguised as a 1980's hotel.

Played by: Paul Kasey. Appearances: Love & Monsters (2006), TW 2.13 Exit Wounds (2008), The Pandorica Opens (2010).
  • There is a photograph of a Hoix on the wall of The God Complex, and the creature seen in The Rings of Akhaten made use of a repurposed Hoix mask.
  • The Hoix were never named in dialogue in their first appearance. The name was only seen in the end credits.
  • The chase in Love & Monsters, with characters running to and fro from random doors across a corridor, was inspired by similar sequences in Scooby Doo.

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