Saturday 4 July 2020

H is for... Hinks

Ostensibly chauffeur to Dr Stevens, head of Global Chemicals new Welsh refinery, Hinks was really employed as the director's general henchman. He would carry out any task asked of him - even if it meant breaking the law and putting lives at risk. It was Hinks who sabotaged the coalmine lift machinery when Stevens heard that Jo Grant and a miner were going to go down into the pit to rescue another miner - all to conceal that Global Chemicals was pumping its toxic industrial waste products into the mine workings. When the Doctor broke into the refinery to locate some welding equipment Hinks captured him but his efforts to overpower him failed when he came up against the Doctor's Venusian aikido skills. When news reached Stevens that a giant maggot egg had been found by UNIT and was being held at the Wholeweal Community, Hinks was sent to steal it. The egg had hatched, however, and Hinks was bitten by the maggot which emerged from it. The infection rapidly killed him.

Played by: Ben Howard. Appearances: The Green Death (1973).

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