Tuesday 6 November 2018

G is for... Gantok

Gantok was an agent for the breakaway Kovarian chapter of the Silence. He dressed like a Viking warrior, and wore an eye-drive so that he could interact with the Silents. When the Doctor went hunting for information about the group he met another agent named Gideon Vandaleur, who turned out to be a disguised Tesselecta justice machine. It was the captain of the Tesselecta - Carter - who pointed the Doctor towards Gantok. The two played a game of Live Chess, in which the pieces were electrified and the loser could be killed. The Doctor won the game but spared his life, and so Gantok agreed to take him to the Seventh Transept, which housed the skulls of the Headless Monks. Once in the Transept tunnels, Gantok attempted to kill the Doctor, but he plunged into a pit full of the skulls. These still lived, and they rapidly devoured him.

Played by: Rondo Haxton. Appearances: The Wedding of River Song (2011).
  • Rondo Haxton is, of course, an alias - as he is really played by Mark Gatiss. He got the name from the Horror film actor Rondo Hatton, who suffered from acromegaly. His best known role was as the Hoxton Creeper, in the 1944 Sherlock Holmes movie The Pearl of Death.

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