Thursday 28 March 2024

M is for... Mr Sweet

"Mr Sweet" was the name given by Mrs Winifred Gillyflower to a Red Leech - a venomous parasite which had survived into the Victorian era. She ran a factory in the north of England which was refining the creature's toxin. A select group of young people would be given immunity through contact with it, whilst the rest of the population of Earth would be killed by the substance. Those who reacted badly to the venom were disposed of - supposed victims of the "crimson horror".
Her ultimate aim was to create a brand new fascistic society.
The tiny creature attached itself to Mrs Gillyflower's chest, where she kept it hidden and fed it salt on which it thrived. She pretended that a "Mr Sweet" was her secretive business partner, to deflect questions about a woman running a factory in these times.
In developing the antidote, she had used her own daughter - Ada - in her experiments, making her think that she had been physically abused by her dead father.
The Red Leeches were known to Victorian detective Madam Vastra, as they had plagued the Silurians in prehistoric times. She and the rest of the Paternoster Gang helped defeat Mrs Gillyflower's scheme.
When she died, the creature attempted to slip away to find a new host, but it was killed by Ada.

Appearances: The Crimson Horror (2013).

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