Tuesday 12 March 2024

M is for... Mr Clever

The personification of the partially converted Doctor when the Cybermen attempted to turn him into their Cyber-Planner on Hedgewick's World. The Doctor had thought himself immune to conversion, being a Time Lord, but the Cybermen had adapted over time. 
As "Mr Clever" - his own ironic name for his Cyber-converted self - he had insight into the Cyberiad, the Cyberman central intelligence. It sought the Doctor's experience to add to its own.
Whilst Mr Clever dominated half of the Doctor's mind, he was able to retain control over the other half.
A battle of wills ensued, and the pair decided to play a game of chess to determine overall control. The Doctor could briefly overcome Mr Clever by using a piece of gold paper applied to his facial implants, and he was eventually able to divert his Cyber-converted half with a chess problem which caused it to direct its full resources away from the attacking Cyberman army to resolve it.
An electric shock was finally used to free him of Mr Clever, and the Cyberman army was destroyed when the planet was blown up.

Played by: Matt Smith. Appearances: Nightmare in Silver (2013).

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