Friday 2 December 2022

L is for... Llewellyn, Daniel

Daniel Llewellyn was the mission controller for Guinevere One, a probe built by the British Rocket Group. It was due to arrive on Mars on Christmas Day 2006 and was championed as part of P.M. Harriet Jones' new "Golden Age".
Llewellyn was concerned that the Group had lost contact with the Probe at the last minute, and when it was re-established the viewing public were greeted to the sight of alien beings. It had been intercepted by a spaceship belonging to the scavenger Sycorax race, who were on their way to Earth.
Llewellyn was taken to UNIT HQ, established beneath the Tower of London, where he met the Prime Minister and UNIT's Major Blake. One third of the world's population fell under the mental control of the aliens, and Llewellyn realised that this was due to a blood sample he had included on the probe.
When the Sycorax vessel arrived above London, Harriet Jones, Blake and Llewellyn were all transported up to it, along with Jones' assistant Alex.
Despite seeing Blake killed by the Sycorax commander, Llewellyn took responsibility for what was happening on Earth as he had given them the blood sample through which they were controlling people. He was also killed by the commander, who was only interested in dealing with a leader of humanity.

Played by: Daniel Evans. Appearances; The Christmas Invasion (2005).
  • Guinevere One was inspired by the British Beagle II probe, which lost contact after crashing onto the surface of Mars on Christmas Day 2003.
  • Llewellyn's role with the British Rocket Group came from the BBC's spin-off website for this story, which also claimed that he was a Professor. The British Rocket Group was the organisation founded by Bernard Quatermass in the classic BBC serials of the 1950's, and which had been referenced in Remembrance of the Daleks.

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