Monday 26 August 2019

H is for... Hame, Novice

Novice Hame was a junior member of the Sisters of Plenitude who ran the hospital on New Earth in the year 5 Billion. Like all her sisterhood, she was a member of the Catkind race. The Doctor met her when he was summoned to the hospital by the Face of Boe. Hame had been assigned to care for him, as it was believed that he was finally dying. She told the Doctor of the legend that the Face would impart a secret to a wanderer like himself just before he died. Hame was aware of the hospital's dark secret - the use of specially bred human beings to be used as guinea pigs in the creation of various cures. She tried to justify this to the Doctor, pointing out the millions of people who had been cured by the Sisters. After the human guinea pigs had been cured by the Doctor, the hospital was raided by the New New York police and Hame was arrested along with the rest of her order.
As part of her sentence she was tasked with the continued care of the Face of Boe.

Some 30 years after the Doctor's last visit to New Earth he returned to find the city had been ravaged by a virus which had mutated from one of the new Mood drugs which were in fashion. The Face of Boe saved her by wreathing her in his protective smoke, and together they sealed off the city's motorway, to protect the millions of people there. Everyone in the city above died of the virus within minutes. The Face of Boe knew that the Doctor had returned, and sent Hame to the motorway to find him. She found him and brought him to the Senate House where the Face was dying, having used all his energies to maintain the motorway. The Doctor freed the trapped drivers and their passengers so that they could reclaim the city. Hame was with the Doctor when the Face spoke his great secret - that the Doctor was not alone as he had always believed. Presumably Hame would have later taken on some role in the city's new government.

Played by: Anna Hope. Appearances: New Earth (2006), Gridlock (2007).

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