Tuesday 10 September 2024

N is for... Not-Things

Beings of obscure origins encountered by the Doctor and Donna at the edge of the universe - presumed to have travelled across from another dimension.
When the TARDIS abandoned the Doctor and Donna on a seemingly deserted spaceship, they discovered that they were not alone after all. Separated, each encountered what they thought to be the other. The creatures were attempting to establish themselves in this universe by mimicking them. Initial attempts at physically copying the pair proved unsuccessful. Limbs would be too large or too long, and at one point they could not control their size and became gigantic versions of the time-travellers, jamming themselves in one of the larger corridors of the vessel.
As time went by, however, their efforts improved and they also began to absorb their behaviours, personalities and memories.
It transpired that the pilot of this spaceship - an equine bipedal creature - had set the craft to self-destruct to prevent the beings from replacing them. A servo robot was very slowly inching its way towards activating this, whilst the pilot had taken its own life - preferring death to allowing the beings to get into our universe.
The TARDIS eventually returned, and the Doctor almost took the Not-Donna away with him, such was their total mastery of copying every aspect of them by this point. He managed to spot a tiny physical discrepancy just in time to return for the real Donna. Both beings perished when the robot finally detonated the self-destruct.

Played by: David Tennant and Catherine Tate. Appearances: Wild Blue Yonder (2023).

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