Monday 1 July 2024

Spin-off Ahoy?

The long rumoured spin-off series "The War Between the Land and the Sea", which everyone assumes involves Sea Devils and Silurians, might actually be a thing after all. The broadcasting trade union Bectu has listed it in its advance notice section, being produced by Bad Wolf, with a production start date of September.
The other spin-off which has been rumoured a lot is a UNIT one, and it may well be that we've actually been talking about the same thing, and that UNIT will feature in the "War" series in lieu of the Doctor. 
A third series was one involving old companions, and this might also be covered by this as one newspaper story is claiming that Freema Agyeman will be back as Martha.
Other than the fact that a spin-off series does look like it's about to go into production after the summer, the rest is still speculation. 
Planned series can also be cancelled late in the day. No doubt there is some debate going on behind closed doors about the recent low ratings (good for under 30's, but clearly not so for the rest of the population). How big a market is there for a spin-off series? Without any, the whole idea of an MCU style Whoniverse falls flat on its face...

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