Monday 23 October 2023

Animations Update

At the BFI screening of the animated The Underwater Menace yesterday, the team behind the releases confirmed that there is at least one more story to come. Which one, they have declined to say. 
A news report last year, form a usually reliable source, had claimed that the early Troughton story was to be joined by The Smugglers - so most of us are assuming that this is to be that next project.
The team have pretty much stated that, so long as people buy them, they will make more of them.
They also said that, just because they had done a lot of Troughton stories, they weren't necessarily going to continue and finish all of his tenure - again hinting that the next release will be a Hartnell.

Decisions on which stories they tackle first are dependent on the quality of the soundtrack, the story length, and its complexity (e.g. number of sets, speaking characters) - which we've all known for a while. It's what stopped missing episodes of The Crusade being animated, and why it's unlikely we will see The Daleks' Master Plan any time soon. (Even the preponderance of tartan will affect the potentiality for a Highlanders release - they can't even give the Doctor checked trousers).

It should also be noted that the animations have nothing whatsoever to do with the Collection Blu-ray releases. They're totally separate teams, though we do get some crossover with the extras.
Whilst the Collection will include animated episodes when they get round to releasing Seasons 3 - 5, the animations won't be driven by their timetable.

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