Friday 7 October 2022

Mel in 60th / Chronicles 1973 / RTD plans for s14 and s15: News Update

You may have read today in the news that Bonnie Langford has spoken about an appearance in one of the 60th Anniversary Specials, specifically mentioning featuring in something written by RTD. We have no idea which old companions - if any - beyond Donna Noble are going to appear in these Specials. 
The journalist responsible for today's story has simply taken old interview information about Langford's appearance in an RTD written audio adventure (Mind of the Hodiac) which came out months ago.
Maybe she will get a cameo, maybe she won't - but ignore today's tabloid tale.

Don't go looking for the new Doctor Who Chronicles: 1973 just yet. It has been postponed for two weeks. Now due in the shops on Thursday 20th October.

One further snippet of teaser for The Power of the Doctor: "Who is defacing history's most iconic paintings?".

RTD promises that his new series will address environmental issues. Just make a better job of it than CC, that's all I'll say. The two stories of Series 12 which featured such issues most prominently were Orphan 55 and Praxeus - the stories which sat last and second to last in every single poll.
RTD seemed to suggest 50 minute length episodes, and said he was concentrating more on Series 15 than he was on 14 for some things - so he certainly doesn't intend his second coming to cover just one more season. This all came from a Zoom interview he did at a climate conference (Climate Creatives 2022).

UPDATE: Rumours of a press screening for The Power of the Doctor in London on Tuesday. Watch as we go from no information to tabloid spoilers...

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