Saturday 15 January 2022

On This Day... 15th January

Day of the Daleks Part Three delivered a treat for long term fans when images of William Hartnell and Patrick Troughton appeared on the Daleks' Mind Analysis Machine. The Daleks' recognition of the Doctor throughout his or her regenerations has always been inconsistent - sometimes they know exactly who (s)he is without being told, and other times they won't believe it without proof.
An earlier Dalek story was still on-going today in 1966, when the ninth episode of The Daleks' Master Plan made its debut. This one was entitled Escape Switch, and is one of only three which still exists from this story.
Daleks didn't have it all their own way today, however. The mad computer Xoanan also featured, in 1977, in Part Three of The Face of Evil.

Today we also wish Richard Franklin a very happy birthday. He played UNIT regular Captain Mike Yates between 1971 - 1974. Yates was unusual for having a strong story arc. In The Green Death he goes undercover at Global Chemicals and is hypnotised by computer BOSS into attempting to kill the Doctor and the Brigadier. Recovering from this ordeal, he falls in with the misguided Operation Golden Age group, who want to turn the clock back to a pre-industrial age in Invasion of the Dinosaurs. This time Yates turns a gun on the Doctor and Brigadier without the excuse of hypnotism. He is forced to leave UNIT. Later, now a civilian, he is trying to sort his life out at a Buddhist meditation centre, which just happens to be used as a bridgehead for the giant spiders of Metebelis III, in Planet of the Spiders. Franklin attempted to become an MP at every election from 1992 to 2005. He has represented the Liberal Democrats, the Referendum Party, UKIP and his own Silent Majority Party. In the 2015 election he fielded a candidate for his new 30-50 Coalition party in Bow, East London. They got less than 80 votes.
He turns 86 today.

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